Recent News

Traffic Modifications for the Baltimore Women’s Classic 5K

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists of the traffic modifications which will be in effect for the Baltimore Women’s Classic 5K Footrace.  The race will be

Charm City Circulator Detours and Temporary Stop Closures

DETOUR SATURDAY, 6/17 - Due to the Parade and Crane lift the following detour will be in effect.

Weekend Road Closures for June 16, 2017

Jones Falls Expressway Overnight Lane Closures

Charm City Circulator Green Route

Service to Maritime Park (Stop 119) Will Resume On July 3rd 2017. 

Traffic Modifications for the Baltimore Pride Parade and Block Party

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists of the traffic modifications that will be in effect for the annual Pride Parade and Block Party which will be held on

Eager Street Closure Now in Effect for Emergency Utility Work

Lane closures along N. Charles Street will also be in effect throughout the evening

Road Closures for the St. Nicholas Greek Folk Festival

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists of the temporary street closures in effect for the St. Nicholas Greek Folk Festival. 

Additional Weekend Road Closures for June 02, 2017

Dolphin Street Temporary Closure

Weekend Road Closures for June 02, 2017

Moravia Road Ramp Closure

Traffic Modifications for the Baltimore 10-Miler

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists of the traffic modifications which will be in effect for the Baltimore 10-Miler Footrace.  The race will be held on
