City of Baltimore Adopts Its First Complete Streets Manual

Today, Mayor Brandon M. Scott and Department of Transportation (BCDOT) Director Steve Sharkey announced that the City of Baltimore has adopted its first Complete Streets Manual. 

“The Complete Streets Manual influences the way we plan and design our transportation infrastructure to promote equity and safety for people walking, biking, and using transit,” said Mayor Brandon M. Scott. “We are committed to providing a transportation system that accommodates all users to increase the quality of life, safety, accessibility and mobility for the residents of Baltimore City.”

In 2018, Baltimore City adopted its Complete Streets Ordinance to change the City’s transportation infrastructure by elevating the priority of pedestrians, bicyclists, and users of public transit and shared mobility. Data consistently shows that disadvantaged and minority residents are at a higher risk of involvement in crashes as pedestrians and users of transit. This law seeks to address historical equities in street design and ensure that our roadways are designed to accommodate all users in a data informed manner.

Pursuant to the ordinance, the Department of Transportation developed its draft Complete Streets Manual, which included design guidelines that reflect best practices while mandating compliance and accountability. The BCDOT has been finalizing the manual with input from the Complete Streets Advisory Committee, members of various community groups and the general public. 

“Today’s adoption of the city’s first Complete Streets Manual will ensure that our infrastructure is planned, designed and constructed to accommodate all users of the transportation system,” said Transportation Director Sharkey. “The implementation of a Complete Streets network will provide residents with additional transportation choices, improved accessibility, and a more welcoming street environment for better livability in City communities.”

With the adoption of the Complete Streets Manual, the Department of Transportation will continue its focus on connecting Baltimore communities through transportation networks while transforming the quality of life in City neighborhoods. As BCDOT projects progress, residents and visitors alike will see City streets become safer and more accessible for all users of the transportation system.

For more information on our Complete Streets Manual, please visit us on our website:


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