Pratt Street Improvements Postponed Until Further Notice

DOT will reconstruct curbs, gutters, and sidewalks for ADA compliance and install pedestrian signals as part of Downtown Improvements

Aerial photo of Pratt St

BALTIMORE, MD (Sunday, March 24, 2024) - Today, the Department of Transportation announced a postponement for improvements to the intersections of Pratt, President, and Light streets.

DOT will notify residents when improvements have been rescheduled.

Originally scheduled work included:

  •  The reconstruction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and curb ramps for ADA compliance
  •  The removal and replacement of concrete sidewalks and brick/concrete pavers
  •  The installation of countdown pedestrian signals
  •  The installation of accessible pedestrian signals and wayfinding signage,
  •  The installation of high-visibility crosswalks
  •  Full-depth pavement patching, and at the intersection of President Street, there will be milling and paving work

Improvements along Pratt, President, and Light Street are part of Mayor Scott’s commitment to improving Downtown through the Downtown Rise Action Plan ( Normal roadway conditions will be in place along Pratt Street between the intersections of Light and President Streets until further notice.

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