Transit Bureau

Water Taxi

Main Office: 443-984-4094/4095

The Transit Bureau is responsible for the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) transit programs including the Charm City Circulator, Harbor Connector, Bikeshare, Rideshare Programs and Transit & Marine Services (Dockmaster’s Office).  The Bureau also includes the Community Liaisons, Marketing, Public Information & Communications Division, and other initiatives. Below are more details on the aforementioned services:

Active Transportation Infrastructure:  Focuses on the promotion and enhancement of Active Transportation through the development of a comfortable and connected pedestrian and bicycle network that serves all ages and abilities.
Contact:  443-984-0099

Additional Biking Information

Charm City Circulator: A fleet of 30 FARE-FREE shuttles that travel four routes (Purple, Orange, Green, and Banner routes) in Baltimore City dedicated to accessibility, safety, sharing the road with bicycles and reducing the number of cars on the roads with fast, friendly and free service.  Charm City Circulator additional information.
Contact: Phone: 410-396-9596

Harbor Connector:  As an addition to the FARE-FREE land routes of the Charm City Circulator, the Baltimore Water Taxi, in conjunction with the City of Baltimore, currently offers three water routes that are also FARE-FREE, called the Harbor Connector commuter service.  Harbor Connector additional information.
Contact: 410-563-3900

iRide Baltimore:  A suite of FREE transportation services designed to encourage the use of transportation alternatives.  These services include Guaranteed Ride Home, Rideshare, Vanpools and Commuter Choice Maryland.  
Contact: 410-396-7665

Dock Master:  Leisure boaters can dock within Baltimore City’s Inner Harbor, to experience great views, a great location to downtown attractions, low docking fees, access to shore power connections, water connections and pump out boat services.
Contact: 410-396-3174


Title Modified Date Size
Dedicated Bus Lanes FAQ 10/17/2016 10.3 KB
Dedicated Bus Lanes Traffic Notice Handout 10/17/2016 190.3 KB