Maps and Schedules
Operating Hours
- Monday-Thursday: 7:00AM - 8:00PM
- Friday: 7:00AM - Midnight
- Saturday: 9:00AM - Midnight
Sunday: 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Days with no service: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day
Route Frequency
- Purple Route: Buses arrive every 13 minutes at each stop
- Cherry Route: Buses arrive every 20 minutes at each stop
- Green Route: Buses arrive every 20 minutes at each stop
- Orange Route: Buses arrive every 10 minutes at each stop
Banner Route: Buses arrive every 40 minutes at each stop
The timetables below show the start times for weekday and weekend service. Weekend times are shown in red. For a complete list of stops see the map below the timetables.